In this fun and easy crystal science experiment for kids, we’re going to to create our own cave crystals by growing stalagmites and stalactites.
  • Mixing bowl
  • Box of Epsom salts
  • Spoon
  • 2 glasses or jars that are the same size
  • Water
  • Wax paper
  • Tape
  • Thick piece of string or cloth that easily absorbs water


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  1. Add about four cups of water to your mixing bowl.
  2. Mix in Epsom salts until the will no longer dissolve. There will be some Epsom salts in the bottom of your mixing bowl.
  3. Lay out a sheet of wax paper.
  4. Fill each of the glasses about halfway with the Epsom salt solution.
  5. Place the ends of the string into each of the glasses. You want the glasses sitting six to eight inches apart. Use the tape to secure the string to the edge of the glasses. Try to do so in a way that does not smoosh the string.
  6. Watch your stalactites and stalagmites grow over the next few days.


I hope you enjoyed this super quick tutorial and enjoyed creating your own cave crystals by using Epsom salts to grow stalagmites and stalactites. These crystals are very easy to make and a lot of fun!
Pro tip: Use this activity to create some excitement around discussions or lessons regarding geology, caves and caverns, crystals, and more!

Sparkling Crystals: The Marvels of Quartz, Selenite, and Amethyst


  1. Quartz Facts:

    • Quartz crystals are formed deep within the Earth's crust under intense heat and pressure.
    • They can be found in various colors, including clear, white, pink, and purple.
    • Quartz crystals have a hexagonal shape and can grow as individual crystals or in clusters.
    • They are one of the most abundant minerals on Earth and can be found in many different rock types.
    • Quartz crystals have piezoelectric properties, meaning they can generate an electrical charge when subjected to pressure.
  2. Selenite Facts:

    • Selenite is a type of gypsum crystal and is known for its beautiful white and translucent appearance.
    • It is formed through the evaporation of water in ancient sea beds.
    • Selenite crystals often have a long, fibrous or columnar shape, resembling icicles or wands.
    • Selenite is relatively soft and can be easily scratched with a fingernail.
    • Selenite is believed to have cleansing and purifying properties and is often used in spiritual practices.
  3. Amethyst Facts:

    • Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz and is known for its stunning violet hues.
    • It is formed when iron impurities are present during the formation of quartz crystals.
    • Amethyst crystals can range in color from pale lavender to deep purple.
    • Amethyst is associated with calming and soothing properties, making it a popular choice for jewelry and meditation.
    • It is often found in geodes and can develop beautiful crystal formations inside.

Feel free to let me know if you would like me to add multiple choice questions as well.

If you love rocks, crystals, and excavating as much as we do, be sure to check out our Excavating Adventures monthly subscription by clicking the link below and get an awesome new excavation delivered each month loaded with rocks, minerals, gemstones, fossils, and more!

Question 1: What is the process through which quartz crystals are formed? a) Freezing of molten lava b) Evaporation of water c) Subduction of tectonic plates d) Impact of meteorites Correct answer: a) Freezing of molten lava

Question 2: Which crystal is known for its fibrous or columnar shape, resembling icicles or wands? a) Quartz b) Selenite c) Amethyst d) Ruby Correct answer: b) Selenite

Question 3: What gives amethyst its stunning purple color? a) Iron impurities b) Copper impurities c) Calcium impurities d) Manganese impurities Correct answer: a) Iron impurities