Stars and Constellations: Expedition to the Sta...
Embark on a thrilling adventure to the Mountain Peak Stargazer Base, a legendary observatory hidden high in the clouds. As...
The Milky Way Galaxy: Meteor Chase Mission
Step aboard the Meteor Chase Lab, a cutting-edge spacecraft built to explore the wonders of the Milky Way Galaxy. In...
Planets: Secrets of the Space Station
Step aboard the Intergalactic Space Station for an out-of-this-world adventure! In this thrilling escape room, you’ll navigate the station’s Cosmic...
The Sun’s Secret: Legends of the Solar Forge
Step into the heart of a legendary mountain where the ancient Solar Forge lies hidden, powered by the incredible energy...
Asteroid Outpost Adventure: Secrets of the Sola...
Asteroid Outpost Adventure: Secrets of the Solar System plunges students into the heart of a mining colony within the Asteroid...
Lunar Lockdown: Escape from the Moon Lab
In this thrilling adventure, you'll navigate the secrets of the Moon while solving puzzles about its phases, orbit, and surface....
Outer Space Odyssey: Stellar Quest
Embark on an epic journey through the cosmos in Outer Space Odyssey: Cosmic Quest! Prepare to explore distant planets,...