Make a Dino Poop Dig Kit



DIY Dino Poop Dig Kit: An Engaging Paleontology Activity


Embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of dinosaurs, fossils, and paleontology with our captivating Dino Poop Dig Kit tutorial. Brace yourself for an immersive and inexpensive experience as we unveil the hidden secrets of the prehistoric world.


Designed to inspire curiosity and ignite the imagination, this interactive activity is perfect for educators, parents, and enthusiasts eager to delve into the fascinating world of ancient creatures. Get ready to unearth the wonders of coprolite—the fossilized remains of dinosaur excrement—and witness the thrill of discovery with every dig.


Join us as we dive headfirst into this educational and adventurous quest that will leave you spellbound. Are you ready to dig deep into the past and bring history to life? Let's get started!



Unveiling the Enigmatic Fossilized Feces: Exploring the World of Coprolite


Step into the captivating realm of paleontological detective work as we embark on a thrilling exploration of coprolite—the fossilized remains of ancient excrement. In this section, we will delve into the intriguing mysteries surrounding coprolite, unearthing its secrets and shedding light on its significance in the world of paleontology.


From its composition and rarity to its identification and olfactory aspects, we will leave no stone unturned in our quest to understand this unique window into the past. Prepare to be fascinated as we reveal the wonders of coprolite, unraveling the stories hidden within these ancient deposits.


Get ready for a journey that will challenge your senses and ignite your curiosity as we demystify the enigmatic world of coprolite.


What is Coprolite?


Coprolite, a term derived from the Greek words "kopros" meaning "dung" and "lithos" meaning "stone," refers to fossilized excrement or feces of ancient organisms, including dinosaurs and other prehistoric animals. These fossilized droppings provide valuable insights into the dietary habits, behavior, and overall ecology of long-extinct creatures. Coprolites can vary in size, shape, and composition depending on the species that produced them.


What is the Worth of Coprolite?


The value of coprolite can vary depending on several factors. From a scientific perspective, coprolite holds immense value as it provides important clues about the diet and health of ancient animals. Paleontologists and researchers often analyze coprolite to gain a deeper understanding of prehistoric ecosystems. In the field of paleontology, coprolite specimens hold significant scientific and educational worth.


In terms of monetary value, the worth of coprolite can vary widely based on factors such as size, rarity, preservation quality, and any accompanying scientific documentation. Collectors and enthusiasts may find certain types of coprolite intriguing and be willing to pay a premium for unique or well-preserved specimens. However, the value of coprolite primarily lies in its scientific and educational significance rather than its commercial worth.


Does Coprolite Smell?


Due to the fossilization process, coprolite generally does not retain any odor. Over millions of years, the organic matter in the feces is replaced by minerals, resulting in a rock-like structure. Therefore, coprolite is typically odorless, making it safe to handle and study without any unpleasant smells.


Is Coprolite Rare?


The rarity of coprolite can vary depending on various factors, including the geological conditions required for fossilization and the abundance of fossilized feces in a particular region. While coprolites are not as commonly found as other types of fossils, their discovery is not exceptionally rare either. Coprolite specimens have been unearthed in numerous locations around the world, providing scientists with valuable insights into ancient ecosystems and the dietary habits of extinct organisms.


How Can You Identify Coprolite?


Identifying coprolite can be a fascinating process. Paleontologists and experts use several methods to distinguish coprolite from other geological formations. Some key characteristics that help identify coprolite include shape, texture, content, and associated fossil remains. Coprolites often exhibit distinct shapes and textures that resemble modern animal droppings, but they can vary depending on the species that produced them. Microscopic analysis and chemical tests can also aid in confirming the organic origin of a suspected coprolite.


Understanding coprolite allows us to unravel remarkable details about ancient organisms, their diets, and the ecosystems they inhabited. By studying coprolite, we gain a unique perspective on the intricate web of life that existed millions of years ago.



Unearth Ancient Secrets: Excavating Adventures - Discovering Coprolite and More on Thrilling Expeditions


Are you prepared for a truly extraordinary journey into the depths of paleontological exploration? Introducing Excavating Adventures, the ultimate subscription box that will ignite your passion for discovery and take you on thrilling expeditions to mysterious fictional locations teeming with rocks, minerals, fossils, and more!


Unleash your inner scientist with our STEM-based science experiments, allowing you to unearth rare and extraordinary specimens that go beyond ordinary excavation kits. But that's not all - each subscription includes exclusive access to live sessions with our knowledgeable Excavating Adventures guides, who will assist you during your excavation and quench your thirst for knowledge.


With 120 unique specimens and trading cards to collect, every month unveils a fresh opportunity for exhilaration and revelation. Imagine stumbling upon a precious mineral or unearthing the fossilized remains of a prehistoric creature! Join us today and let your adventurous spirit roam free as you embark on an extraordinary voyage, delving into the captivating wonders of the Earth itself.




Crafting an Authentic Paleontological Experience: Building Your Dino Poop Dig Kit



Now that we've gained a fascinating glimpse into the realm of coprolite and its role in paleontology, it's time to bring that excitement to life through the creation of your very own Dino Poop Dig Kit.


With a handful of simple supplies and a dash of creativity, we'll guide you through the process of constructing a captivating educational resource that will transport aspiring paleontologists back in time. Get ready to embark on a hands-on adventure that combines science, imagination, and discovery.


So, grab your tools and prepare to unlock the mysteries of the past as we dive into the supplies and instructions to fashion your Dino Poop Dig Kit. Let's turn our knowledge of coprolite into an unforgettable learning experience!






Plaster of Paris


Mixing Bowl

Wooden spoon

Measuring cups

Popsicle sticks – Popsicle sticks are inexpensive, readily available, and make great excavation tools.

Safety goggles or glasses – You we need to provide or borrow a set for each student.

Optional – Brushes and magnifying glasses.

Coprolite specimen - You can find these online. Coprolite is fossilized poop. 

Plastic container big enough to hold the coprolite and plaster mixture. 






  1. Place the coprolite in the container.
  2. Mix 1 cups sand with 1/3 cup Plaster of Paris.
  3. Add 1/3 cup of water and mix until you have a pancake batter consistency.
  4. Pour the mixture over the coprolite.  
  5. Keep adding mixture until the specimen is covered and the container filled. 
  6. Place the Dino Poop Dig Kit in front of a fan overnight until it is completely dry. 
  7. Distribute the excavation, excavation tools, and safety goggles to your Excavating Adventurer and have fun watching them dig in and discover the real fossilized dino poop (coprolite) you have hidden inside.



Fascinating Facts About Coprolite: Unraveling the Mysteries of Fossilized Feces


Here are some fun facts about coprolite that kids might find interesting:


  1. Time Travel Through Feces: Coprolite is like a time capsule from the past. It gives us clues about what ancient animals ate and how they lived millions of years ago.

  2. Size Doesn't Matter: Coprolite comes in various shapes and sizes, ranging from small pellets to large lumps, depending on the animal that produced it.

  3. Hidden Treasures: Coprolite can sometimes contain surprising things like undigested bones, teeth, or even tiny fossils. It's like finding a hidden treasure in ancient poop!

  4. Fossilized Poop Puzzles: Paleontologists study coprolite to solve mysteries about the diets of extinct animals. By analyzing coprolite, they can tell what types of plants or other animals were part of an ancient creature's diet.

  5. Stink-Free Fossils: Unlike regular poop, coprolite doesn't smell because it has been turned into rock over millions of years. So, no need to hold your nose when examining ancient feces!

  6. Poop as Artifacts: Coprolite is considered an important scientific artifact. It helps scientists understand ecosystems, the relationships between animals, and even how environmental conditions might have changed over time.

  7. Coprolite Collectors: Believe it or not, some people collect coprolite as a hobby! They find joy in studying and displaying these fossilized treasures from the past.

  8. Not Just Dinosaur Poop: While coprolite is commonly associated with dinosaurs, it can be found from other ancient creatures too, like prehistoric mammals, fish, and even ancient insects.

  9. Coprolite as Evidence: Coprolite has also helped researchers discover new species of animals. Sometimes, scientists find coprolite with unique characteristics that can lead to the identification of previously unknown species.

  10. The Scoop on the Name: The word "coprolite" comes from the Greek words "kopros" meaning "dung" and "lithos" meaning "stone." It's a fitting name for fossilized poop turned into stone!


Remember, coprolite may seem a bit gross, but it's an exciting part of paleontology that helps us understand the fascinating world of ancient creatures and their ecosystems.



Unearthing Ancient Clues: Dig Zone - Discovering Coprolite and More on an Exciting Earthly Adventure


Get ready to embark on an exhilarating adventure of discovery through the remarkable depths of the Earth with Dig Zone! Unleash your curiosity as you delve into challenging earth science trivia, immerse yourself in captivating virtual mining experiences, and engage in live sessions with our knowledgeable Excavating Adventures guides.


The excitement doesn't end there – every time you participate, you'll earn valuable points that can be redeemed for incredible Excavating Adventures products, all at no cost to you! Don't hesitate any longer – ignite your passion for exploration and witness your rock collection and knowledge flourish like never before.


Join Dig Zone today and prepare for endless possibilities and thrilling rewards that await you!



Unleashing Curiosity and Uncovering Wonders: The Dino Poop Dig Kit - A Gateway to Discovery and Learning



In conclusion, our journey into the world of coprolite has been nothing short of extraordinary. We've uncovered intriguing facts about this fossilized feces, discovering how it provides a unique glimpse into the past and helps scientists unravel the mysteries of ancient life.


By crafting our Dino Poop Dig Kit, we've not only transformed our knowledge of coprolite into a hands-on adventure but also created a powerful educational tool. This dig kit engages learners by combining science, paleontology, and imaginative play. As they excavate and analyze the coprolite, budding paleontologists develop critical thinking skills, learn about ancient ecosystems, and gain a deeper understanding of how scientists piece together the puzzle of prehistoric life.


The Dino Poop Dig Kit truly enhances learning, fostering a sense of wonder and discovery that ignites a lifelong passion for exploration and scientific inquiry. So, let's grab our excavation tools and embark on this unforgettable journey into the past, where coprolite and our curiosity pave the way for endless discoveries.


Happy digging!


Dive into a prehistoric world of creativity and imagination with our thrilling guide on "4 How To Make Salt Dough Dinosaurs and Fossils Ideas." And if you've just finished reading about our captivating Dino Poop Dig Kit adventure, get ready for even more hands-on excitement!


Unleash your inner paleontologist as we take you on a journey of crafting ancient creatures and fossil replicas using simple salt dough. Unearth your artistic skills, sculpt lifelike dinosaurs, and create fascinating fossils that will transport you back in time. Whether you're a curious learner or a budding artist, this thrilling DIY activity is a perfect way to extend the adventure and bring the wonders of paleontology right into your own home.


Get ready to mix, mold, and marvel at your incredible creations. Let's embark on an unforgettable artistic expedition to complement your exhilarating Dino Poop Dig Kit experience!